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Onkar Lele

Onkar Lele is a digital artist and photographer based in Munbai, India. He uses images as a medium to create dreamy fantasies with extraordinary storytelling. His artworks often times provoke philosophical thinking by taking his audience to the magic world he creates through his lens.



by Onkar Lele

More About
The Artist

“I wish to see my artworks as a medium to blend surrealism with photography. I always want to create something which is pleasing to the soul. World always looks better when you try to keep it simple and minimalistic. ”

Onkar Lele
  • T:When did you start your art journey and realized that you are really good at photography?

    O:I started photography at the age of 14. Social media played a huge role to motivate me in photography. When people started recognizing my work I really thought I am good at what I do.

  • T:Have you been through any big challenge pursuing a career doing photography?

    O:Pandemic was probably the most biggest challenge in my photography career. Suddenly everything was shut down and I was not creatively inspired to do anything. But to overcome this I learnt Photoshop and little bit of Blender 3D. This helped me a lot to create some minimalistic frames and design out of my photography skills.

  • T:What does photography mean to you?

    Photography means freezing of time. Photography helps me to go back to good times. Also it helps me to tell stories which otherwise I was unable to write.

  • T:What would you say is your art philosophy?

    O:I wish to see my artworks as a medium to blend surrealism with photography. I always want to create something which is pleasing to the soul. World always looks better when you try to keep it simple and minimalistic.

Artwork photos from:@onkarlele