Tātahi Brand Philosophy

Travel and Art Inspired

Tātahi means ‘beach’ in the Māori language - a language native to New Zealand. At Tātahi, we create home goods that are inspired by our vacation memories and art. Through the medium of our products, our vision is to explore simple ways to elevate every ordinary moment of life with our community.

Tātahi 一词来源于新西兰毛利族语,译Beach/沙滩。 Tātahi是一个旨在将旅行记忆与艺术灵感带回日常起居的生活方式品牌。我们希望以日常家居用品为媒介,以旅行感官为基调,与不同形式的艺术作品相融合,与大家一起探索“回归生活本质”这件平常而细微、却极其美妙的事。

Mindfully Produced

In New Zealand Māori culture, people believe humans are the children of our ‘mother earth’, instead of the owners of it. Carrying our respect to the nature and environment, we try our best to select our manufacturing partners and materials mindfully. We’d like to think that we are joining a force to re-imagine the next-generation lifestyle.

在纯净自然与日常生活完美融合的新西兰国度,原住民毛利族人相信:“人类是土地之子,而非土地的拥有者。” 带着同样的对自然的崇敬,Tātahi以可持续的愿景自我要求,希望为用户提供生活美学与可持续生活理念相融的产品,重新想象未来生活。

The Maker Story

Tātahi is created by a New Zealand couple. Throughout their life journey prior to Tātahi, they have travelled to more than 50 countries and lived in 7 including New Zealand, China, Spain, Japan, Singapore, United States and England. Their professional experience deeply rooted in the Luxury, Fashion and Travel industries, which inspired them to create Tātahi with the goal to bring what they love and have seen into simple moments for everyday life.


Contact Us

You can contact us through cs@tatahi.co , or follow us on:  

Instagram: @Tātahi   Wechat Official: @Tātahi   Wechat VIP: TatahiCS1   Red: @Tātahi